シンポジウム予稿・論文投稿規定形の科学会 Society for Science on Form, Japan
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asugiura[at]u-gifu-ms.ac.jp ([at] はアットマーク) (杉浦 明弘)
〒501-3822 岐阜県関市市平賀長峰795-1
岐阜医療科学大学保健科学部放射線技術学科 形の科学会会誌事務局 杉浦明弘宛
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本誌は、”かたち”に関連した研究を促進するため、high quality な論文の発表、及び、できるかぎり自由に意見を発表できかつ討論できる場を提供することを目的として、原稿を募集しています。 原著論文(original paper )、解説論文(review paper)、速報(rapid communications)、討論(commentary)、講座(単発および連載)、エッセイ、交流、ニュースなどを掲載し、形の科学会の会員は本誌に投稿することができます。本誌に投稿された論文(original paper, review paper) は、査読過程を経てから掲載することを原則とします。また、速報、討論、講座、エッセイ、交流、ニュースなどに関しては、より自由な発表場所を提供することを旨とし査読過程を経ずに掲載しますが、編集委員会で掲載が不適当であると判断された場合は、改訂を求めること、あるいは掲載をお断りすることがあります。本誌の論文を論文中で引用される時は、日本語論文の場合は、形の科学会誌、11、(1997)、1-2. 欧文論文の場合は、Bulletin of Society for Science on Form, 11, (1997), 1-2. というように引用してください。 本誌は、シンポジウムの予稿原稿も掲載しています。本誌のシンポジウム要旨を論文中で引用される時は、形の科学会誌、12、(1997)、1-2(シンポジウム要旨)、欧文論文の場合は、Bulletin of Society for Science on Form, 12, (1997), 1-2 (Extended Abstract of 39th symposium). というように引用してください。 2013.6現在
1 Editorial Board
編集委員長 (Chief Editor) 平田隆幸
副編集委員長(Sub-Chief Editor) 杉浦明弘
編集委員 (Editor)
高木隆司 (物理・美術)
種村正美 (数学・幾何学)
本多久夫 (生物)
宮本 潔 (医学)
石原正三 (結晶学)
2 原稿投稿先
形の科学会誌への投稿(original paper, review paper, 講義ノートなど)は、原則的に Web (論文 投稿申込み)からの行うものとする。Webからの投稿が不可能な場合には副編集委員長(杉浦明弘、asugiura[at]u-gifu-ms.ac.jp)宛てに送るものとする。
3 投稿論文の処理過程
2)編集委員会は、original paper, review paper に関しては、査読者1名を決めて依頼し、修正等の過程を経て受理決定をおこなう。受理原稿は、受理日をつけて副編集委員長に送る。
郵送による投稿の場合には、オリジナル原稿、およびコピー原稿2 部の計3 部を投稿してください。投稿フォームからの場合はファイルサイズに留意してください。(2015.06.30 一部変更)
1. FORMA accepts any qualified article, irrespective of the field, the topic and the method of research, if it is motivated by a general interest in “Form” and if enough care is paid so that it can be understood by readers from other fields. The Journal accepts the followings: REVIEW (32 printed pages or less) : by free submission and recommendation ORIGINAL PAPER (16 printed pages or less) : editing policy is the same as ever LETTER (8 printed pages or less) : fast review and fast publishing ART COLUMN (16 printed pages or less) : presentations of artworks or essays on artworks FORUM (4 printed pages or less) : essays, proposals, comments, etc. by free submission and recommendation, which suggest a new direction for lay experts ART GALLERY (a few pages including one page with explanation) : art works created with a scientific mind or by applying science Papers exceeding the above page limits will be accepted if editorial board admitted its nessecity. Special issues with particular topics are sometimes published (see next page for Instructions). 2. Manuscripts are written in English and prepared according to the designated house style (see STYLE MANUAL in the next page). The most welcome way of submission is to send an email to Editor-in-Chief or to one of Editors with a manuscript as an attached WORD document. If the manuscript includes hard-copy figures, they can be sent by post mail separately. Heavy digital figures are also sent included in CD (or hard copies are sent in the first submission). Manuscripts printed on paper sheets are also accepted. In this case CD or floppy disk of the manuscript are asked to send to the publishing company after acceptance. 3. Written informed consent should be obtained in studying human bodies or human natures from those who are concerned. Care of experimental animals should be in accordance with institutional and/or licensing committee approving the experiments. The consent and/or approval should be noted clearly in the submitted manuscript. 4. Reproductions of figures or sentences from other articles should be made with admittances of the authors of the original articles and the copyright holders (if they are different from the authors). Original articles should be referred clearly in the submitted manuscript. 5. Manuscripts are reviewed by one of editors and a referee appointed by the Editor-in-chief, a Regional Editor or an Associated Editor. Note that correction of manuscripts may be required after accepted, so that they match the style of FORMA and they are understandable enough for readers from other fields. Letters of acceptance will be sent from the editor-in-chief. 6. The author(s) corrects the first proof. The second proof is corrected by Editors and/or Publishing company. 7. A charge for submission is not required. Color figures are accepted without extra charge, if they are not too heavy. 8. The copyrights of articles (incl. network distribution) are owned by The Society for Science on Form, Japan. However, contributors keep other rights, such as patent right and right to use article for their own work. In articles discussing on artworks and design works the copyrights of the works can remain in the authors’ sides. In such cases short notes are required to be added in figure captions, such as “Copyright of this artwork belongs to (Name)”. 9. The Journal is published on WEB with URL: http://www.scipress.org/journals/forma/index.html PDF files of accepted papers are sent to the first authors. 10. (INSTRUCTIONS FOR EDITING SPECIAL ISSUES) Editor can propose to edit a special issue with a particular topic. An informal document of proposal should be sent to Editor-in-chief including title of the issue, editor(s) of the issue, tentative list of contributors with titles of articles. Four articles or more are expected for one special issue. Collected articles should be reviewed by the editor(s) of the issue or by referees appointed by the editor(s). Do not forget to record the dates of receipt and acceptance. A preface of 1-2 pages is expected to be written by the editor(s). Letters of acceptance are sent from Editor-in-chief. Re-publishing of the contents of a special issue as a monograph is possible after negotiation with the Editorial Board.
1. It is recommended to write a manuscript as a WORD document with page setting of 45 lines/page, and 80 characters/line. Thus one page includes about 500 words and matches approximately to the printed page of FORMA. In this way the number of printed pages is easily guessed. In the case of printed manuscript it should be typed on one side of white paper, of 21 × 30 cm or similar size. 2. The first page should include Category: “original paper”, “review”, “letter”, or “forum” at the top right of the page. Title: First letters of words, except prepositions or conjunctions, are capitalized. If title is longer than 40 characters, give a short running head. Author(s): Family name is all capitalized. Affiliation(s): Short, but enough for postal address. Add Email address. Keywords: No more than 5. Abstract: Fewer than 150 words for original paper and review, fewer than 100 words for letter. Footnotes: If necessary. 3. Heading for each section should be typed from the left margin with the same character size and typeface as in the main text , e.g. “1. Introduction”. Put two blank lines above each heading and one blank line below it. Sub-heading should be Italic, e.g. “2.1. Basic assumptions”. Put one blank line above sub-heading and no blank line below it. 4. References should be cited in the text in the following way: “According to TODA (1981), …“, “… is studied (ELIAS et al.,1971a; BABA, 1980)”. Give a list of references at the end of text in alphabetical order of last names, as follows: “BABA, K., MIYAMOTO, K. and KIMURA, K. (1981a) [Title of paper], FORMA, 2, 305—315.” “KENDALL, D. G. (1974) [Title of paper], in [Title of Books or Proceedings], (ed. E. F. Harding and D. G. Kendall) Griffin, London, pp. 105—107.” “ROSENFELD, A. (1976) [Title of Book], 2nd Ed., Academic Press, NY, pp. 69—83.” 5. Jpeg data or Gif data of figures are welcome. Figures should be inserted into appropriate places in the text. Note that the page layout will be changed in the editor’s side. Tables may be typed as a part of the main text. Below each figure put a figure caption with heading, e.g. “Fig. 1. ….” Above each table its number and illustration should be given, e.g. “Table 2. ….” For a printed manuscript figures are drawn on separate sheets, and write figure (plate) number and name(s) of author(s) at the bottom of each figure (plate). Add list of figure captions at the end of text on a separate page. Locations of figures should be indicated at the right margin of the main text, e.g. [Fig.1] 6. In the main text, sections, equations, figures, plates and tables should be referred to as “Sec. 2″, “Eq. (1)”, “Eqs. (3) and (2. 3)”, “Fig. 2″, “Figs. 4 and 5″, “Plate 3″, “Table 3″, etc.” Avoid these abbreviations at the beginning of sentences. 7. Leave one blank line above and below each mathematical expression. Give equation number (if necessary) in parentheses at the right end. Symbols expressing quantities should be italic, but functions (sin, exp, log, etc.) are upright. Avoid piling up fractions and suffices (or superfices). Try to simplify mathematical expressions. Complicated mathematical procedures should be shifted to Appendix. 詳細は、「https://forma.katachi-jp.com/call.html」にてご覧ください。 Dec.2011
Submission of Papers