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Jura&Radio 20180203 # Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 2018 # International Paleontological Congress (IPC5)形の科学会 Society for Science on Form, Japan

## Jura&Radio ## 20180203

Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 2018

Date: May 20 (Sun.) – 24 (Thu.), 2018
Venue: Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan

Session ID: M-IS20, Date: May 23 (Wed.) PM1

“Evolution of the Pelagic Realm”
Conveners: Matsuoka, Kurihara, T., A.,Onoue, T., Kimoto, K.

This session focuses on the evolution of ecosystem in the pelagic realms, including discussions on all aspects of pelagic biota covering biostratigraphy, biochronology, evolution, and biogeography, which are important to the reconstruction of the spatio-temporal framework in the pelagic realm.
Reconstructions of plate configuration through time are included in the scope of this session. Biological, geochemical, sedimentological approaches to the pelagic environments are welcomed.
Deadline of abstract submission: 2018/2/19 17:00

International Paleontological Congress (IPC5)

Date: July 9 (Mon.) – 13 (Fri.), 2018
Venue: Paris, France

Message from Luis O’Dogherty

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to participate to the next International Paleontological Congress (IPC5) that will be held at Paris next summer. We have proposed a Special Symposium in which Radiolarians have an important role; any contribution are very well welcome,
Hope to see next July,

Best wishes and Merry Christmas

Chiara, Sylvia & Luis


organizers: Annachiara Bartolini (CR2P Paris, France), Sylvia Gardin (CR2P Paris, France), Luis O’Dogherty (University of Cadiz, Spain)

The co-evolution of life and biogeochemical cycles has been shaped by their deep reciprocal influence. Marine microorganisms, with their diverse biochemical repertoire, are central to this co-evolution. Although small in size, microorganisms have a paramount effect on how carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and other elements (e.g., sulfur, silicon, iron) cycle around the globe. Their emergence, radiation and diversity changes through time have influenced the structure of marine food webs, sea-water chemistry, global biogeochemical cycles and climate. This session invites contributions which highlight marine biogeochemical interactions that left clues preserved in long – as well as in short -term – geological records, during major palaeoenvironmental changes.

Cheeper Registration is December 31 2017 (360 Euro), from January 1st to March 31st is 460 Euro

Abstract submission deadline is February 15th 2018


Feel free to forward Jura&Radio.


(in Japanese below)


Date: May 20 (Sun.) – 24 (Thu.), 2018

開催日程:5月23日(水)PM1 ポスター PM3

コンビーナー:松岡 篤・栗原敏之・尾上哲治・木元克典

招待講演者:安川 和孝 氏 (東京大学大学院工学系研究科)

安川さんには,レアアース泥をはじめとする遠洋性堆積物の起源成分の (主に新生代における) 時空間的な変遷を,多元素分析や数理統計手法を用いて読み解くといった内容で,話題提供していただきます.


学協会セッション(団体会員) 形の科学会,日本古生物学会

早期締切 2/5/23:59
最終締切 2/19/17:00

MATSUOKA Atsushi, Prof.
Department of Geology
Niigata University,
Niigata 950-2181, Japan
e-mail amatsuoka[atmark]geo.sc.niigata-u.ac.jp
Tel/Fax 81-25-262-6376

最終更新日: 2018年2月5日
2018年02月05日月曜日/2018-02-05T10:38:10+09:00 category :  
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